
Vandall-500 Bass Amp
Premier Guitar 05-2019
The Vandall-500 has been awarded the editor's award "Premier Gear".
“The sturdy and attractive exterior of the Vandall-500 is a worthy outfit for the soulful and multi-faceted character that lives inside. A genuine feeling of quality—much like a driving a European luxury car—is present when dialing up and playing through this amp. In the very competitive field of lightweight bass amps, the Vandall-500 separates itself from the pack with a personality all its own. It’s more than apparent that someone who actually plays many gigs was responsible for putting all the right features in this amp. That leaves me, the player on the consumer end, completely satisfied.”

Mixdown Magazine - 26 May 2018
With that in mind, the Servo isn’t just for electric guitar. It can work its magic on acoustic guitar and bass as well, and it’s also useful as an insert effect in a studio setting for putting across drums and vocals. And because it’s not just a simple gain boost that depends on the interaction with preamp tubes, it’s also useful with digital modeling devices too.
Although our natural inclination as guitarists is always to dial in a kickass sound and then mix around it (which makes real sound engineers cringe), what I found with the Servo is that you’ll get the most out of it when you do the right thing by your soundie and set the pedal while listening to how your guitar sounds in a band or mix situation. You’ll find that there’s a certain sweet spot for the particular mix and the particular key of the song that just lifts everything up. And that’s not just for tube amps or as a front-end effect on digital modelers. Even though Taurus recommends you should use it as the very first component in your effects chain, that doesn’t mean you have to. For instance, try it as an insert effect on a digitally-modeled guitar track - cab simulation and all - and you’ll find that it helps to add in some of those heavenly overtones that real amps naturally exhibit but which modelers have a hard time replicating. And it’s definitely worth using it to enhance acoustic guitar and bass tracks, especially if you’re suffering from the dreaded acoustic piezo pickup ‘quack factor’ - y’know, that brittle high-end snap at the start of your notes?...

Stomp Head 3.Classic
Guitar 2018/01
Auch wenn einige Puristen sicher abwinken werden, geben sich die Stomp-Heads extrem musikalisch. Ob clean, crunch oder ordentlich verzerrt: Die Teile liefern, und das nicht zu knapp – von Funk bis Metal ist alles drin. Über die EQ-Sektionen, die Presence-Regler und -Schalter sowie den Input-Gain- Switch lassen sich die gewünschten Sounds schnell und vielfältig realisieren. Vor allem ihre dynamische Ansprache beeindruckt; gerade der in dieser Hinsicht heikle „Halbgas“- Bereich kommt authentisch rüber und lässt sich subtil über die Regler steuern – dabei gefällt
er mir auf jeden Fall besser als so manch günstiger Vollröhren-Amp. Die Stomp-Heads haben nichts mit seelenlosen Instant-Modellern gemein, die auf Knopfdruck und Software- Basis Amps von Fender bis Mesa im Portfolio haben und nichts davon mit Tiefgang reproduzieren. Taurus baut stattdessen echte Amps, die halt nur im Kompaktformat.

Zebu Mk2 & Vechoor Mk2
Chitarra Acustica 04 Aprile 2017
Zebu Mk2
This pedal really offers two mixable effects among them with MIX control: this one offers one great variety of sound options enclosed in one single pedal.
Vechoor Mk2
The chorus effect is very nice, warm and pasty, both in Normal Mode
than Modern. This pedal also offers many effects: thanks to Enhancer and Detune controls, you have it the possibility of getting almost an infinite amount of sound combinations.

Stomp-Head 5.CE
Guitare Xtreme 77 (11-12/2016)
+ Concept
+ Sound
+ Extremely Compact
+ Power
+ A pedal format
+ Everything you would expect from an amp head
- Bit too high price
- Only one cabinet output

Taurus Stomp-Head 5. CE
Top Guitar 5-2016
Top Guitar Nr 5 (2016)
The Taurus Stomp-Head 5. CE has three main advantages over typical big tube amplifiers. First, because of its compact dimensions and weigh of just 2.65kg can be easily set up on pedalboard and carried to the other side of the world (where even a different voltage will not be a problem). Secondly, the amp is loud enough to provide adequate monitoring on stage, or in rehearsal room. Thirdly, it is incredibly versatile, yet is equipped with everything what every guitarist needs to build a solid sonic base on stage or in studio. All of it on the surface less than one square meter, without additional AC and patching wires! The Stomp-Head 5 is a real warhorse, designed for everyday hard work on stage. It's a solid roadie, and recording session buddy, which will make us free from any worries and hardships associated with the transport, storage and servicing of a bulky tube amps.

Stomp-Head 5.CE
Guitar Interactive Magazine 40 / 03-2016
Taurus has crafted a really superb solution here for a genuinely portable amplifi er that can fi t onto a pedal board without sacrifi cing features and tone. For a fully featured three channel amp the price is very attractive too, representing great value for this level of control, tone and build quality.
Taurus has been producing the Stomp Head series for a while now but the Stomp Head 5 is easily the best amp the company has produced so far and is a seriously cool, professional product that deserves a lot of recognition. Superb!!
STAR RATING: 4,5 of 5
PROS: Small footprint, fully featured ampli er • All analogue design for superb tone • 3 channels with independent controls • Effects loop and line out with speaker simulation • 90W/40W switchable • Great value for money
CONS: None at all.

Bass Drive Abigar Mk-2
Premier Guitar - 05-2015
The sensitivity of the EQ controls is off the charts. Slight adjustments unlock a wealth of contrasting tones.
The Taurus Abigar Mk-2 is a simple but excellent overdrive that won’t bury your foundation tone under piles of mushy gain. Its EQ is phenomenal, and blendable modern and vintage voicings offer a store of usable tones. The Mk-2’s relatively moderate gain levels may not satisfy bassists aiming for huge walls of sound, but the pedal’s clarity, definition, and sensitivity make it worthy of serious consideration.

Bass Amp. QUBE-450
Amazona 01/2015
+Saturated output power
+Design and handy controls
+Sound and EQ concept
+All-round skills
-Fan noise
- No mounting brackets to rack system
-Manual only in English (the German is in the works)
-No second speaker output

Speaker cabinet TS-210F
BASS.Q 01-2015
The Best body, Taurus TS-210F
Founded in Sopot, Poland, Taurus offers reasonably priced TS-210F bass speaker cabinet, fitted with two 10-inch ferrite speakers. For a very reasonable price of 500 Euros, you are receiving the compact, easy to carry, very good sounding bass speaker cabinet with high quality ferrite speaker. The TS-210F, in tandem with every bass amplifier produces dynamic attack, supported by warm, well saturated, rounded bass sound. Taking into consideration the compact size of the cabinet, the actual volume level and quality of sound is definitely very surprising. In my opinion, the combination of all those very well balanced features predispose the cabinet to be used in a complete variety of musical genres such as Pop, Fusion, Jazz and Showmusik. Without the possibility to compare with it’s twin sister TS-210N ( Neodyme) cabinet, we must assume that: if someone wants to save 300 Euros for 150W RMS less power then TS-210N ( Neodyme) and taking into account the additional 1.8 kilograms of weight, then obtaining a very convincing alternative in the TS-210F bass cabinet with ferrite speakers for a really reasonable price.

Abigar - Bass DRIVE
Muzyk 11-2014
+ Great sound capabilities
+ Aesthetic design
+ Solid construction
+ Simple operation
- Not reported

Bass Amp. QUBE-300
Muzyk 09-2014
+ High quality of soud
+ Small size
+ Aesthetic design
+ Simple operation
- Not reported

Stomp-Head 2.High Gain 07/2014
Le constructeur polonais Taurus nous livre une nouvelle version de son ampli pédalier Stomp Head. Comme d’habitude, l’ampli est décliné en une version classic et une version high gain que nous avons testée lors de ce dernier Musik Messe.
La Taurus Stomp Head SH2 se place en terme de prix entre la SH1 sortie en janvier 2014 et la SH4, fer de lance de la marque depuis maintenant le commencement.
La SH2 est déclinée en deux versions : une classic et une Hi-Gain. C’est cette dernière que nous avons testée.........

Stomp-Head 4.SL
Guitar World 06/2014
Guitar amplifiers disguised as effect pedals are nothing new, but most are fairly limiting in one way or another. Usually, the space-related convenience leads to an inconvenience in the tone or power department.
Then there's the Taurus Stomp-Head 4.SL.
Let’s start with the power. The Stomp-Head 4.SL can be run at 40 or 70 watts. There's also a Speaker Impedance switch that allows you to choose between 4, 8 or 16 ohms..........

Dexter Polyphonic Octaver
BASS.Q 03-2014
The Taurus Dexter Octaver is the youngest child of Polish producer of amplifiers and stomp box effects. Using a 24-bit DSP the Dexter provides lower and higher octaves which are based on the original note in polyphonic mode. Thus, it allows to play just single notes as well as whole polyphonic chords. So, just listen how Dexter Octaver sounds like with E-bass.
The tracking is just great, almost unnoticed delay followed the original note. It is undoubtedly one of the best effects of its kind. The noise level is exceptionally low. I could hear some through headphones on maximum volume only. Worthy of attention is the fact that a very wide working range of this device. Most of the other Octavers on the E string, in the neighbourhood of A and G notes simply “die out", while Dexter seamlessly reaches note E. At the lowest sounding string, string H, even the note E’s can be easily approached , personally I would not recommend to attempt to go lower then that. It would be unreasonable, unless you cut off the entire lower octave, then there is no limit.
In summary, I believe in it’s genre, in comparison to the Micro POG or UniBass Akai for example, the Dexter simply states its supremacy. Excellent craftsmanship and the sound abilities are simply mind blowing ... .
Gregor Fris

BL-450 bass amp + TN-112 cabinet
Bass Professor 1/2014
On this gear Taurus made no compromise! The Taurus gear is smaller and lighter than you expect when you hear the punchy and grown-up sound.

Dexter Polyphonic Octaver
Guitar World 06 Feb. 2014
Taurus has released Dexter, a polyphonic octave pedal that offers an octave above and below your fundamental note. Assuming you don’t drop the word "polyphonic" into your everyday lingo, it means the pedal uses a 24-bit DSP to allow you to play multiple notes or chords at once without overloading the pedal.

Dexter Polyphonic Octaver
Premier Guitar 17 Dec. 2013
I’ve never heard an octave-up circuit that sounds so much like an actual string rather than a thin, reedy-sounding digital facsimile.
Taurus’ latest offering is Dexter—a polyphonic octave generator that provides multiple octave voices with excellent tracking and stunningly realistic sound quality.
Like Showtime’s beloved serial killer of the same name, Dexter is a monster inside an unassuming exterior. The 5" x 5.5" bent-steel chassis houses a 24-bit DSP processor that tracks incoming audio and adds a tone one octave above and one octave below any played notes.
The front-panel controls are simple and intuitive, with level and range knobs for each octave voice and an out level knob to control overall volume. A true-bypass switch activates the effect and engages two backlit red “eyes” that let you know when Dexter is at work.

Stomp-Head 4.High Gain
Guitar 2/13
The Stomp-Head 4 fills a hole in the market. You get a 3-channel full range amp in the size of a pedal-fx + a second lead volume and a switchable fx-loop. In the weighting class of around 3 kg you could only find a Gallien-Krueger or Crate but they were only solid state amps in classical design and format and without a footswitch. The stomp-head series – in which there are also two more lower priced solid state versions and as silver line with 2x 12ax7 and less gain than the one reviewed here – is really without competition in the market. Everybody who has limited space for equipment is safe now. Furthermore the stomp-head 4 is also a perfect 2nd setup or emergency amp. With it’s well balanced sound – good gain potential and double eq-section you can serve many styles in sound. From pop to metal this amp can do everything even if not in the same quality like more expensive amps but it has an integrated speaker simulation and has a very compact format.

Stomp-Head 4.Silver Line
Gitarre&Bass 10/2012
"..2 Channels, 3 Sounds, 70 Watts!
A full range amp including power amp – smaller than a shoebox!
You can get full sized amps for the price of the stomp-head but for the much travelling and gigging musician a very reasonable idea to have an amp on the pedal board and maybe to go directly into the p.a. system but without using digital modeling technology. There’s not a lot of real conquering products in the market and no other company has come up with a concept for an amp like this so consequently. Some improvements in detail could be done but overall the stomp-head gets a positive note because of the mix of functionality and sound..."
Remarkable sound, variety(lead-channel)
Good dynamics
Very harmonic distortion
FX-way(only seriell) works perfect
Powerful power amp
Practical features
Very low noise
Good craftsmanship and good quality of the components
No parallel working FX-way
No slave out
Line out can not be used in mute mode

Stomp-Head 4SL / 3BL
“kick-ass and clever"
With Taurus Stomp-Head you won’t be stressed out again when performing. Easy transportation, minimum cables, easy effects loop connection, smooth cooperation with the person behind the mixer. This is what Taurus Stomp head is all about.
Dealing with such an innovative device brings up the question, “Why had nobody thought of it before?”.
...Brilliant concept, high sound quality of all four sound modules...
+ high sound flexibility
+ truly practical BOOST function
+ stable finish
+ integrated power supply
- high noise level with high-gain turned up
- speaker simulator dynamics
- audible fan noise

Qube-450, TS112N
Bass Quarterly 5/2012 Sept/Okt
“less means more"
As it comes to mini amps, such manufacturers as TecAmp, Aquilar and Glockenklang have raised the bar high Now Taurus, a Polish company, has offered its product.
...Polish engineers boldly entered the highly competitive market. One has to admit that they have prepared really well. You don’t need to boost Taurus Qube 450, with such a sound it proves itself. Taurus is really loud and just like the other company’s products, Qube 450 is smartly and solidly built...
...for a few years the manufacturer has been persuading more and more bass players to its innovative ideas. The list of famous instrumentalists using the company’s products is systematically increasing...

T-10 Bass combo
Gitarre & Bass 12/2012
“compact, durable..."
It’s been some time since many well known manufacturers have moved production to China in order to remain on the market. It is not the only option, though. Taurus still manufactures its products in Europe, in Poland.
Despite the small size of a compact practice amp, it has the properties of a serous combo for demanding tasks. It surprises not only with high power but also with above average sound quality. Deep bass, versatile clean funky sounds, fully natural tone You can get it all with the DBS and MLO systems. Not only acoustic, but also electric bass players will definitely be satisfied...
+ huge possibilities of sound creation
+ dense harmonic sound basis
+ compact size
+ deep, saturated bass
- no symmetrical D.I output

Taurus Stomp-Head 4.SL
Musicradar 17 Aug 2012
These days, amps come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but rarely do we confuse them with effects pedals and Robot Wars contestants. The Taurus Stomp Head is different, though, packing a roaring, fully featured, 70-watt high-gain amp into a rugged and compact floor-based enclosure...

Taurus Qube-450 ultralight bass amp
Gitarre & Bass 3/2012
As we expected, the handy Qube is a powerful amplifier, which in a sovereign and effective way keeps the producer’s promise. Even at the neutral setting, the bass sound is juicy and catchy in such a manner that the sound is not cold and sterile, but warm and full.
The MLO regulation system with automatic levelling system is a wonderful idea and helps to change your setting in an easy way. In addition, apart from the sound controller, which makes the process of regulation easier, we also have three-stage switches. These allow further extension of settings.
It turns out that proffessional amplifiers can be produced at affordable prices in Europe. We have the power of 450 watts packed solidly and compactly in 2,6 kilograms, which also offers an interesting and unique sound.

Qube-450 / TN210
Guitarrista 2012 / 165
This is the smallest among the bass amplifiers offered by Taurus Amplification. The amplifier drew our attention immediately, but only after testing it with the TN-210 cabinet did we find its full potential.The effect went beyond our greatest expectations. Qube-450 combines the features that matter most for the modern-day bass player – perfect sound, low weight, handiness, ease of use. The price is reasonable. The manufacturer leaves no room for maneuver for the competition. Qube makes a perfect set together with the cabinet.Everything together is worth recommending to musicians, who look for a high-quality, compact amplifier, which can be used successfully both on stage and in studio. This one dethrones the competition.
5 point rating ratio:
DESIGN --------------------------- 4.5
FUNCTIONALITY ---------------- 4.5
SOUND --------------------------- 5.0

Guitar amplifier Stomp-Head 4.SL
Guitarrista 2012 / 163
We can bet that you haven’t seen a head in a stompbox form. It is the most convenient and versatile type of amplifier on the market.4 is the new Stomp-Head model, which has slightly different functions than the previous models. It is an amplifier with the solutions that make it sound like a full tube, yet it is a tube-transistor hybrid. It is one of the most original amplifiers on the market as it comes to sound.
Design refined in every detail, very high quality.
5 point rating ratio:
DESIGN --------------------------- 5.0
FUNCTIONALITY ---------------- 4.5
SOUND --------------------------- 5.0

Taurus Qube-450 ultralight bass amp
TOP BASS 10/2011
The smallest bass amp among Taurus’s products but still not the weakest one . I have fallen in love with this baby at once, its flexibilities just overgrew my expectations.
The Qube-450 contains all attributes which modern, mobile bass player should expect from the amp ; portability, ease of tune, great power and uncompromised pure sound .
The Taurus Qube-450 without any doubt is the most interesting product of Sopot’s producer.
It is a masterpiece. This baby is just asking to be plugged in at once and turned on.

Taurus SL-12 combo
The final touch of the amp is top notch, its very original, implemented solutions give a wide array of sound creation possibilities. The special attention is given to incredibly efficient MLO System as well as a tube simulation which allows to achieve typical tube sound characteristic. It is also important to know that the amplifier is equipped with a safety system which prevents overloud and significantly increases amps live spend.
5 point rating ratio:
DESIGN -------------------------- 4.5
FUNCTIONALITY ---------------- 5.0
SOUND --------------------------- 5.0

Silver Line effects: Abigar, Tux, Vechoor, Zebu, T-Di
Bass Professor 2/2011
Using Taurus Silver Line effect pedals is a pure pleasure.
For reasonable price, the bass player gets his perfect and useful tools. They do their job marvelously - at home, as well as in studio or stage. These silver jewels are impressively finished and equipped with everything to sound awesome! It proves that the exclusive pedals don't have to necessarily come from the USA!

Basista 2010-10
Even on flat EQ setting the Taurus Qube –450 produces great sound. It showcases its quality. No need to nervously crank the knobs to find this “thing”. The “ thing “ is already there. Now it can be just flavoured. The sound is velvet , vivid and saturated with purring low bottom. Sound correction is intuitive and efficient. If you need soft solo Jazz Bass’s sound, simply turn on the DBS-BOOST, PUNCH B, PRESENCE and you have it. When you need hard sound to play fast eights under the bridge, turn on the DBS-CUT, crank up middle and you obtain it again.The MLO System in some sense is telling us which middle frequencies we are looking for while we are tweaking the Bass and High knobs. Despite the style of music, from slapping funky to metal growl, we will find our spot in the band mix. The D.I. output located on the back of the amplifier works very well also. We can choose signals export point using a POST/PRE switch.

Gold reward for Qube-450!
Review by guitar portal E-GITARA.NET.PL 26.08.2010.
After the time spent in the company of new Taurus amplifier my opinion about skill and professionalism of Sopot based engineers has been strengthen again.
Box Electronics is not chasing the world’s top brands. It is already among them.
The quality, functionality, dimensions and sound are of the highest proof.

Silver reward for Taurus Black Line pedal effects!
Review by guitar portal E-GITARA.NET.PL 11.07.2010
After the commercial success of Taurus Silver Line pedal effects both in Poland and abroad, the Polish producer released a new series of these products: Taurus Black Line pedal effects. The Black Line was created to fill the price segment lower than the Silver Line. The question is: does smaller budget have to mean worse quality?
The Black Line effect pedals are high quality and user friendly. The sound is very good.

Gold reward for Silver Line pedal effects!
Review by Guitar portal E-GITARA.NET.PL 11.10.2009
Awaited by many bass players, the Taurus Silver Line pedal effects are finally available. Obviously the test samples soon reached our premises ready to stand tough testing. In the meantime a message came that they have just been awarded at the Musikmesse in Frankfurt. Let’s have a good look at them and discover why they are so successful.

"BEST OF SHOW" for Silver Line effect pedals
Bass Gear Magazine
Taurus Silver Line effect pedals, winners of the Bass Gear Magazine prize for "Outstanding New Product Line" at Musikmesse 2009 in Frankfurt.

Taurus TDi Preamp
Portal Still As Life - Australia
The Taurus T-Di is an excellent piece of equipment that is well thought out. Their slogan, "Designed by musicians for musicians" comes to mind here, it is exactly what I would want in a device like this if I were to design my own one.

Taurus Sillver Line pedal effects: ABIGAR and ZEBU
Review by TOP GUITAR 11/12 2009
The Taurus effects pedals have successfully filled the gap in the Polish market offer for bass players. Top quality and original design are the keys to success, but for the bass players sound is always the most important. The Taurus EFX Abigar and Zebu meet their expectations.

Taurus SLT-300H and TN-210 - TOP OF THE BEST!
e-muzyk 30/03/2009
Having all pots on "0" position, we can find out how much is our bass guitar worth. Admittedly speakers don't give us the price in any currency, but in Hertz, but skilful listener will learn his needs.
I was little shocked. at the beginning of this test I choose well known brand 4 string bass, neck-thru with Bartolini pickups...
I thought: what is wrong with the speaker cabinet or with amplifier? Everybody are singing it's praises, and it sounds "so-so". Suddenly I had a premonition and changed bass guitar (other well known-brand). It emerged that head and the cabinet are O.K. and with all knobs on "0" position I loved the sound.

TN-410 & TN-115 Cabinets
Gitarre & Bass Germany 12/2008
After Taurus TH-Crosss head test from 10/2008, we know exactly, that polish producer have a lot to say with Bass amplification subject. In the second round we will try with the Cabinets.
Energetic, hard sound of the TN-410 cabinet contains a lot powerful bass voice, and the TN-115 presents as a classic 15 inch cab. Together with raw 4x10" we get full range of warm bass sound.

Taurus TH-Cross
Gitarre & Bass Germany 10/2008
Top Head of Taurus offer has reliable wattage power, with charcteristic round bass grounds with suitable strenght, bright sound and clear functionality. Head TH-Cross equipped with 2 amplifiers in 3 modes - Bi-Amp, Mono, Stereo and 2-16 Ohms, what opens many perspectives for choosing cabinets and gives store of power, which let's using the Amp very effective.
Das grosse Taurus-Basstop zeichnet sich durch souverane Leistungsentfaltung, einen harmonisch runden Grund-Sound mit besonderen Starken im saftigen Bassbereich und ubersichtliche Bedinbarkeit aus. Koplizierter wird es allerdings bei der Verdrahtung, denn das mit zwei endstufen und ungewohnlichen Extras ausgestattete 2-HE-Gerat kann eine Menge, was andere Bass Amps dieser Preisklasse nicht zu bieten haben.

Taurus T-10
Bass Professor Germany 04/05/06/2008
Very interesting an flexible preamp, powerfull amplifier and good bass sound shape, gives us an excellent combo.
Taurus has brought us good package, although the MUTE switch doesn't deaden line out and this line out is not typical Di box, I would think about it again. But in this price level it's not necessery.
In my opinion every acoustic and electric bass players, who are looking for small, but powerfull bass combo, have to take Taurus T-10 into consideration.

Taurus SL-12 combo
Meet MUSIC 01/2008 Holland
A new brand, a new surprise. The finishment is perfect and the MLO system is very effective. The Taurus SL-12 gives us a blasting sound! There are a lot of options for connections and besides three different possibilties to make effect loop circuits. The directions for use manual is very clear and the price/ quality level is good. It is for certain that this combo can be used for professional purposes. We felt very comfortable with the sound of the SL12. We wish Taurus a lot of succes with the further development of bass amps and cabinets, because they deserve it.

Taurus SLT-12 combo
Top Guitar 11/12 2007
Combo SLT-12 is very loud, even ballade, quite gently played, gets out deep bass from tested amp, and wide range of delicacy and finesse of sounds releted to the character of play. SLT-12 has good reaction for dynamic changes and playing technic. With a composition "Panther" of Marcus Miller, I've got out the deepest value of amplifier: well balanced and crystalline sound, brings out nice blast from the speaker and clean, ringing tones.
Taurus has musical personality, and thanks to this it's not like dispassionate barrel organ repeating our notes, but gives to them colour, life and civilize it.

Taurus SLT-12 combo
Muzyk 10/2007
Combo Taurus SLT-12 I've tested using few bass guitars, fretless and doublebass too. In spite of small size, sound was strong and dynamic. In my opinion best sound I have with 5 strings fretless. User friendly sound correction is simple and effective. It's a matter of MLO system which automatically adjusting mid freq.
With all my instruments SLT-12 sounds best and most natural with min. correction, without punch or reducing any frequencies.

Taurus SLT300H, TN-410+TN-210
Wojtek Pilichowski 06/2007
I'm sure, I've tried most of bass gear produced all over the world. My opinion is simple - something is good for me or it is from outer space and I'm not interested at all. After I've made test of Taurus amplifier, I can say they rock. I'm sure Taurus amps can compete with any brands in the World, the same with cabinets. Only nuances differ top level amplifiers, and this is up to us which model or brand we choose. In my opinion Taurus hits to Rock bass players taste. The force of Taurus can be contagious.

TH-Cross + Bs-115 i Bs210
Gitarzysta 01/2007
Taurus TH Cross is an advanced PA system for demanding bass player expecting an amplifier to provide wide variety of sound.
By using equalization we can get any bass sound required. System can sound from tubular, through really deep with clear midrange up to aggressive just ideal for slap technique.
Tube/transistor regulation works very precisely providing demanded sound character without any changes to the volume. Input level control of the tube section helps to create harsh and dirty notes with a slightly fuzzy attack. Combined with suitable equalization it produces classic vintage sound. The AMPs transistor section provides bouncy dynamic sound without any additions.
You cannot say anything but all superlatives about functionality of the compressor/limiter.
Seriously, only limited number of bass amplifiers manufactured across the world provide such versatility combined with unique sound features.

TH-Cross + Bs-115 i Bs210
Top Guitar 11/12 2006r
This depth and close feeling of power are really respectful. Drummer's crash or rimshot won't cover you while slap playing. Finger playing creates such a clearance of attack that it will make some inexperienced bassist well shy. Clear crisp Highs, any amount of warm Mids you wish and giant Bass is it's shortest characteristics.
I have to be fair and admit that Polish music market has been finally offered a compatible and fully professional gear.

TH-Cross + Bs-115 and Bs-210
Muzyk 07/2006r
Taurus is a highly professional and universal gear. It gives good and dynamic sound in various applications both on stage and in a studio. Additionally, it has a nice esthetical look and is user-friendly. Taurus should satisfy even a very demanding professional musician.
(+) High quality sound
(+) Very esthetical design and construction
(+) User friendly
(+) Comfortable to operate
(-) None

TM-2 on-board bass preamp
Portal gitarowy E-GITARA,NET.PL 12.02.2012.
One of the most interesting and unique bass preamps I know.
Its ease of installation, modularity and lack of wires is outstanding. Instead of wires we have a tape similar to those used in our PCs. What makes Taurus on-board preamp very practical is that each potentiometer is a separate module. This allows easy installation in the guitar. Of course, a battery slot, caps and pads are attached to this set.